Lawley Primary School

"Planting the seeds, growing the future"

Mr Kevin Sandwith

Co-Opted Governor

Before leaving school at 16 I was offered an opportunity as a scholar at Carlisle United. This was an offer I gladly accepted which developed into a career as a professional footballer; this gave me the chance to travel the country and perform in some of the biggest stadiums within the game.

After a career ending injury in my mid 30s I then received an opportunity to work with The Crossbar Group. After finding my feet in the early years, I progressed to becoming the lead coach at Lawley Primary School. After 6 years in the school I was promoted to become Head of Education in Sport, a role which allows me to coordinate our staff timetable, as well as developing and creating new relationships with schools.

Start Date: 13th May 2023

Term Of Office: 4 years

Key Responsibilities: Safeguarding Lead Governor, Prevent, Filtering and monitoring.


Appointed by Governing Body

Mr Kevin Sandwith